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Community Events Calendar Submission

Thank you for taking the time to submit your event for inclusion on the Municpality of Kincardine's Community Events calendar!

We're a vibrant community with lots going on - and we want to help make sure everyone knows. We do have some criteria for an item to be added to the calendar. You only need to meet one of the points below to have your event included:

  • Events that have been reviewed and approved by our special events review team.
  • Events happening within our facilities that allow public attendance.
  • Events we are partnering on with other organizations.
  • Events that are open to the public including Sports; Festivals, Markets, and Fairs; Celebrations; Family Friendly; Music and Theatre; Arts and Culture; Charitable; and/or Online.

The Municipality of Kincardine reserves the right to omit entries from the calendar that do not fit this criteria or goes against our online guidelines.

Is your venue wheelchair accessible?

Event graphics

The feature graphic we're asking for below is used as a banner to catch people's eye, not to convey details. We don't use entire posters here because they're too small and the content isn't accessible. Sizing to craft a feature banner to match your poster is provided below. If we are provided an image that does not fit the feature graphic size, we will crop the image to create a suitable banner.

Please make sure you're including all of the content from your poster in the Event Details above. 

This makes the content accessible and searchable across the internet, which means you get better results advertising your event. If you would like to include your full poster, please include it as an attachment.


Allowed extensions pdf, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif


Allowed extensions pdf, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif

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